Frequently Asked Questions

Why do so many URLs link to pages which cannot be found?

The Cornell University database containing the scans of the magazines changed servers at one point during the process of indexing. Some of the links indexed before this change may point to locations which are no longer valid. We are aware of the issue and are working toward repairing all of the links.

Why is some information missing from entries listed as "none", "n/a", left blank, etc.?

This project indexes the information on the engraving provided by Scientific American. If the accompanying article does not provide the information, it will not be noted in this database.

Why is the artist (engraver) almost always missing?

The name of the artist, or engraver, is provided when it is given on the engraving itself, an identification that is quite rare.

What does "Present on engraving", "illegible" mean?

The phrase is used when a name is giving on the engraving that is not intelligible to the indexer. If you can accurately decipher who the engraver, or artist, is, please feel free to contact us with this information.

What do "sciam" and "sciam2" mean?

These are listed under publication. They refer to the first and second series of Scientific American, respectively. These are otherwise known as the Old Series and the New Series.

What is the difference between Scientific American and Scientific American: New Series?

In July 1859, after making it to volume 14, issue 42, Munn & Co. started numbering their magazine from volume 1, issue 1 again. The magazine is called Scientific American and Scientific American: New Series to differentiate the two. The shift from the old to new series in July 1859 marks some changes, including doubling the number of pages from eight to sixteen.

What does "Pending as of publication" mean under the patent date?

This means that when the issue was published, the patent for the invention was still pending in the the patent office. Therefore, no date is given.

Definitions of Subjects Used to Catalog Entries

View by Letter: A C F G H L M N P S W

Subject Definition
Agricultural Implements and Operations Agriculture is the cultivation of live products to sustain human life. This subject refers to all tools needed to perform agricultural activities. This includes implements for operations such as cultivation, harvesting, processing, packaging, storage, and transport of agricultural goods - e.g. cattle, grain, potatoes, etc.
Arts: Fine, Polite, and Ornamental This subject refers to any forms of art, either visual, conceptual, or musical, and the tools required to produce them. This can include actual works of art and performance pieces, as well as implements such as cameras, instruments, and other related items.
Calorifics, Lamps, Stoves, etc. A calorific is anything relating to or generating heat or calorie burning devices. Therefore, this subject refers to heat- and energy-giving inventions, such as lamps, furnaces, chimneys, and stoves.
Chemical Process, Manufacture and Composition A chemical process involves a reaction that changes the chemical composition of one or more substances. The manufacture and composition of chemicals would be any process for creating, mixing, or changing these substances. Examples include combustible gases, batteries, and other processes.
Civil Engineering and Architecture Civil engineering refers to the design, construction, and maintenance of structures. Architecture refers to the designing and erecting of buildings. This subject can include processes of design and construction, as well as buildings and structures themselves, including bridges, walls, and buildings.
Communication Instruments and Operations This subject refers to any and all instruments, devices, and operations that serve as ways for communication. This can include telegraphing, package delivery, and postal services.
Fire Arms and Implements of War This subject refers to all implements involved in the acts of war and battle, and other related activities. This can include actual firearms, cannons, and ammunition, as well as troop supplies, and military operations.
Grinding Mills and Mill Gearing A mills refers to a machine for grinding or crushing substances. This subject refers to all implements and operations involved in the process of grinding and processing substances. It can include actual grinding mills and the gears included in them, as well as improved methods for completing the process.
Household Furniture This subject refers to any furniture or appliance on the scale of household use. This can include dressers, desks, and shutters, as well as ice boxes, laundry tools, and cupboards.
Hydraulics and Pneumatics Hydraulics refers to the science of moving fluids and energy transmitted by the flow. Where as, pneumatics refers to mechanical properties of gases. These two terms can include turbines, water wheels, and hydraulic lifts.
Land Conveyance This subject refers to the movement of objects, including people, to different location; in essence can refer to land transportation. It can include railroads and its system, cars, and any means of transporting goods or objects.
Leather Tanning, Dressing and Manufacturing This subject refers to the manufacturing process and uses for leather. Tanning is the process of turning animal skin into leather and dressing is a conditioning process of the leather. It can include machines for manufacturing,such as a tanning machine,and uses of leather, such as driving straps.
Lever, Screw and Other Mechanical Power This subject refers to simple machines, for example the lever, screw and ramp. It also refers to apparati that create a mechanical advantage for the user. Examples of devices can include crank motion, pulley systems, and screw jacks.
Lumber, Machines for Manufacturing This subject refers to the the preparation of lumber as well as the manufacturing of it, including tools for manufacturing. This can include saws, barrel-making machines, and dovetailing.
Manufacture of Fibrous and Textile Substances This subject refers to the transformation of fibers into textiles or fabric. Fibers are found generally from plants or animal fur and then made into thread for creating fabric. The cloth is then made into various items. This can include looms, india-rubber manufacturing and sewing machines.
Mathematical, Philosophical, and Optical Instruments This subject refers to tools used for the study/practice of mathematics, studying philosophy, and optical implementations. Instruments for mathematics can include a straight edge or compass. Philosophical instruments can include anything used for gaining general knowledge or understanding existence, for example barometers, hygrometers, and scales to name a few. Optical tools can consist of chromoscopes, and telescopes.
Metallurgy and Manufacture of Metals Metallurgy is the art and science of extracting metals from their ores and modifying the metals for use. This category includes any machines, processes, etc. that modify metals and any uses of metals themselves. This can include new alloys, smelting processes, etc.
Miscellaneous Miscellaneous is defined as dealing with or interested in diverse subjects. For the purposes of this database the category of miscellaneous includes engravings that don't fit well into any other of the subjects or are not common enough to merit their own subject.
Navigation and Maritime Implements Navigation is defined as the act, activity, or process of finding the way to get to a place. Maritime can be defined as of or relating to sailing on the sea, or doing business by sea. Implements in both of these cases can be a variety of objects from tools related to each subject to full-blown ship designs. Navigation can also relate to land and air as well. Example of some of these implements could be compasses, rudders, nets, scuba gear, hull-design, etc.
Pedagogical This subject refers to the science of education, and more specifically instructional theory. It includes scientific or educational articles intended to provide scholarly information to readers.
Printing and Writing Implements This subject includes all instruments and operations that deal with placing words upon paper or other mediums. This can consist of printing presses, engraving machines, writing instruments such as pens and pencils, or other similar implements.
Steam and Gas Engines These are engines which use steam or gas to power them. Engines convert energy (in these cases, the steam or gas) into mechanical motion, i.e. propelling a vehicle forward. This subject can also include components of and accessories to the engines.
Stone and Clay Manufactures This subject refers to the manufacturing and refining of clay and stone. It can range from brick making to refining for gold.
Surgical and Medical Instruments Surgical in this case is defined as relating to the process of performing a medical operation. Medical in this case means relating to, or concerned with physicians or the practice of medicine. Instruments for both of these definitions can be more related to any tools that would be used or assist in any of these practices.
Wearing Apparel and Implements for Manufacturing For all intents and purposes apparel is treated synonymously as clothing, or items related to clothing. Implements for manufacturing wearing apparel would be any machine or process that helps to produce apparel or related articles. Examples of apparel are shirts, pants, jackets, etc. Examples of implements for manufacturing would be looms, sewing machines, etc.